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XI Uta Kollmann
12.04.- 20.04.02

Virtual space and real space are tentative theses which are influenced by an individual’s way of perceiving reality. Living within a reality implies a lack of distance from it: this absolute involvedness is existence itself.
Parallel worlds are constantly generating themselves, which are at least quasi-real, since virtual space is also sensually perceptible. These worlds consist of history, time, ideas, numbers or concrete. Not only can a computer game provide a very physical feeling experience, but also an irrigated, planned community in the middle of the desert gives the impression of being in a computer game. Since visual perception cannot provide empirical evidence of either virtuality or reality, it is rather the intensity of the idea to be conveyed that determines the nature of the experience.
Spatial design and generation depends upon the perfection of detail to create history and body. It is the generation of body that animates the space with movement and action. Adding history makes the space easier to feel and understand, intensifying its experiencing. Perfecting this history gradually creates a new existence.

Archeology in virtual spaces

Theorists of the comparative sciences of prehistoric man like archeology and paleoanthropology are perfecters of history and thus actually creators of virtual space. Each thesis on the creation and development of early man occupies a separate space, they all are existing parallel to each other, until they are definitively proven wrong and discarded. They are not all true but they are all possibilities, created by details (= found objects) and perfection (= logic + phantasy).


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